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Areas To Avoid Using Physiotherapy Massage Machine

A Physiotherapy Massage Machine is often the first tool that comes to mind when people think of massaging their bodies, but there are risks involved.

For example, let's say you don't know which area needs attention or is most effective at relaxing tight surrounding muscles and fascia. In this case, improper placement can cause painless inflammation that can lead to serious long-term damage.

When using a massage gun, make sure to avoid these areas:

first rib

The area under your neck and between your shoulders is your first rib. Pressing there can be painful due to chronic tension. But if you tap it a few times, give it some love, and dig deeper, you can feel one rib meeting another at its base. This area is considered super sensitive because just below your first rib are the various nerves and blood vessels that supply your arms and hands.

If you press hard on the area, it compresses them, leaving your fingers tingling or even painful - a warning sign! While giving yourself a deep tissue massage with an electric gun seems safe enough, accidents happen when people get distracted by what's going on inside their bodies.


Stimulating your spine with a massage gun can irritate some sensitive areas, so be sure to pay attention to where you use the percussion. You should touch those bony edges close to the spine and avoid any contact that could cause injury by irritating nerve roots or spinal cord tissue.

You will most likely feel your spine from where it connects to the base of your head. There are five main pieces in total, one under each heel and one near each armpit or wherever you might experience pain. But be careful not to irritate any nerves or discs, as this could lead to serious complications.

Foam rolling is a popular alternative to using these massage stimulators. It has the advantage of being less stiff, so it will never give you pain—even if you massage your spine long distances along the sides at the same time.

However, if you have low bone density or have been told it might not be a good idea due to previous injuries from using foam rolling, try it with caution. Always follow your doctor's advice before trying anything new.


Have you heard of the risks associated with deep-tissue massage guns? For example, the kidneys are particularly susceptible because they lie close to the surface between two bones. So while using a massage gun may seem soothing at first, it's important not to scrape or dig into these sensitive areas directly over the kidneys. It causes the organs to vibrate, exerting external forces they are not familiar with.

This vibratory force can adversely affect how the kidneys work. Therefore, to avoid injury during massage therapy, make sure you understand what you are doing; otherwise, you could cause unnecessary discomfort or serious damage.