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The Relationship Between Massage Recliner Chair And Your Mental Health

The Relationship Between Massage Recliner Chair and Your Mental Health

Massage Is a Natural Way to Boost Your 'Happiness Hormone'

Serotonin is the hormone that stabilizes our mood and promotes our sense of well-being. It's also the hormone many antidepressants are designed to boost -- but massage can be a very effective natural alternative. Research shows that massage can increase your serotonin and dopamine levels by up to 30%, improving well-being and overall mental health.

relieve depression and anxiety

Not only does massage improve our mood, but it also relieves emotions such as stress and anxiety that can negatively impact mental health. A leading study from E-Da Hospital and the College of Medicine in Taiwan found that patients with depression successfully reduced these specific symptoms with the massage.

Massage to relieve stress

We all know that a massage feels great - but if your job is stressful, you know all the more how important it is to your mental health to unwind at the end of a hard day. The stress-relieving properties of massage chairs are also scientifically proven: A study of nurses who received weekly chair massages for 10 weeks during high-stress work hours found that they experienced less stress-related symptoms, such as shoulder tension, joint, and muscle tension, and fatigue reduced due to regular massage breaks.

Better Sleep Means Better Mental Health

A healthy sleep cycle is essential to your health, yet many of us don't get the recommended amount of sleep due to our hectic daily lives or clinical insomnia. Lack of sleep can wreak havoc on your mental health, but thankfully, regular massages may be the key to initiating good dreams, and studies have shown that reducing stress and promoting relaxation can actually lead to a good night's sleep. More specifically, massage therapy has been shown to relieve insomnia associated with menopause, cancer, restless legs syndrome, and more.