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Precautions For Using Massage Gun

Be sure to use it on different muscle groups

The Massage Gun is designed to relieve pain and discomfort throughout the body. This means you can use them on any sore muscle group. One of the main advantages of massage guns is that they come with different massage heads and power settings to customize your experience. Each massage head targets different muscles and pressure points in the chest, arms, shoulders, and legs. You can adjust the settings to faster and slower speeds depending on your target area. Relieve muscle tension with just 15 minutes of massage gun therapy.

Do not use it in sensitive areas

Of course, one has to understand that massage percussion guns are for a specific purpose. Massage guns are powerful medical devices used to treat muscle pain. If you are someone who bruises easily or has superficial injuries, uses caution when massaging these areas. Until the bruise or wound has healed, it's best to avoid those sensitive areas. Other parts of the body are particularly sensitive, including the ribcage and collarbone. You should not use a massage gun to massage bones, as this can cause pain and discomfort.

do maintain it

Another important "do" with massage impact guns is maintaining them. Massage guns are high-powered devices. Just like your phone or tablet, you shouldn't mistreat them. For example, overuse of the massage gun can drain the battery or cause tightness in the painful area. Users should massage muscles for a few minutes at a time, 2 to 3 times a day. Anything more has corresponding results, such as tightness and prolonged soreness. You also don't have to use the massage gun on the highest power setting. Faster speed doesn't always equate to better results.

Don't Ignore Medical Interventions

Finally, do not use a massage gun in areas more amenable to medical intervention. For example, while massage guns can help relieve chronic pain, remember to seek medical advice if the pain gets worse. If you experience severe pain, consult your doctor or physician. You may have an underlying condition, such as a torn muscle fiber or a ruptured tendon. Use your best judgment when using a massage gun and seek medical attention if symptoms worsen.