
Home / News / How to use Steam Eye Massager correctly to avoid eye injuries?

How to use Steam Eye Massager correctly to avoid eye injuries?

To use Steam Eye Massager correctly to avoid eye injuries, here are some key steps and precautions:
Preparation before use
Clean hands and face: Before use, make sure your hands and face are clean to avoid bringing bacteria or dirt into the eyes.
Choose the right massager: Choose a Steam Eye Massager with massage modes suitable for the eyes and soft material to ensure safety and comfort.
How to use
Wearing method:
Sit or lie down to ensure a comfortable position.
Tear off the ear hooks behind the eye mask and hang it on your ears.
Close your eyes lightly to ensure that the eye mask is in full contact with the skin around your eyes, allowing the steam and heat released by the eye mask to evenly cover the entire eye.
Massage process:
Relax your body and eye muscles to allow the warmth and massage function of the eye mask to work.
You can gently massage the acupuncture points around the eyes, but avoid massaging the eyeballs directly.
During use, if you feel discomfort or the temperature is too high, you should stop using it immediately.
Time control: Each use of Steam Eye Massager should be controlled within 20-30 minutes to avoid eye fatigue caused by long-term use.
Temperature feeling: During use, always pay attention to the temperature of the eye mask to avoid eye injuries caused by excessive temperature.
Avoid direct contact with the eyeball: The eye mask should cover the area around the eye and avoid direct contact with the eyeball to prevent unnecessary irritation or damage.
Not suitable for people: People with wounds, inflammation or allergies in the eyes should avoid using Steam Eye Massager.
Cleaning and maintenance: After use, the eye mask should be removed and properly stored, and the eye mask should be cleaned and replaced regularly to ensure hygiene.
By following the above steps and precautions, you can use the Steam Eye Massager correctly and enjoy the comfortable feeling brought by eye massage while avoiding eye injuries.