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Do Hand Massagers Help With Carpal Tunnel?

Whether a hand massager works for carpal tunnel or arthritis is still debated. There hasn't been much research on whether these devices are actually specifically for carpal tunnel syndrome or arthritis.

What we do know is that they can send pulses and vibration waves directly to your hands or other joints to induce relaxation. Hand exercises can achieve the same effect, just for a much longer time. After all, a hand massager is a device for relaxation, and strengthening the hand muscles is secondary.

It's worth noting that hand massagers are not in any way a substitute for carpal tunnel medication prescribed by your doctor.

Still, if you want immediate relief from stress or pain, a hand massager may prove to be an invaluable tool in your quest for quick pain relief!

Benefits of a hand massager

Here are five top reasons why you should buy a hand massager or schedule a hand massage session:

1. It can help relieve hand pain.

You can use hand massage to relieve pain in a number of ways, depending on the cause or source of your hand discomfort. When used properly, they may help relieve pain.

Depending on the construction and function of the hand massager, pain relief may be provided through the use of techniques including vibration, heat, and compression.

2. Helps improve hand strength and flexibility.

Massaging your hands can help increase grip strength because the hand muscles get better blood circulation—meaning your hand muscles always have enough energy to hold you tight. In addition, hand massage stimulates the nerves in the hands, which increases dexterity and flexibility in the hands.

3. Massage increases energy levels and improves mood through touch/stimulation therapy.

A simple hand massage has been found to be effective in improving concentration and performance levels.

Massaged hand muscles send pleasure signals (hormones) to the brain, which boost mood levels and help fight depression.

4. Promote blood circulation.

Massage can help bring nutrients like oxygen to the hand tissues by stimulating blood circulation in the area to keep the cells working. It also speeds up their healing process because the blood contains white blood cells and other infection-fighting substances.

5. Hand massage helps drain fluid and reduce swelling.

Massage can help reduce swelling in the hands caused by fluid buildup from injury or chronic conditions that affect the hands, such as arthritis, diabetes, and carpal tunnel syndrome.

These are just some of the many hand health benefits that a hand massager can often provide. In short, hand massagers are popular because they work wonders!